UPDATE: Thank you so much for the response to this project, the writer positions have now been filled. However feel free to reach out if you’d like to know anything about it, or would like to write something different for a future project!
We’re fast approaching the 20th anniversary of Lara’s sixth outing, and I want to extend Raidercast’s library of media to include writing. Articles and letters from fans of the series, sharing their passion and fascination for various aspects of the world of Tomb Raider.
Whether it be its myths, legends, and lore, or a technical side of development, a piece of writing in the script, or music, or simply just pouring your heart onto the page; I want to read it, and so do many many others.
I would like to host a series of 6 articles to celebrate the Angel of Darkness. Are you interested in contributing?
Raidercast is looking for six fans to select and pen a different one of the following articles in approximately 500-600 words:
Why is The Angel of Darkness such an important piece of Lara’s story?
An in-depth piece exploring some of The Angel of Darkness lore.
The Darker Side of Lara: Exploring whether this is truly Lara’s darkest characterisation.
Exploring The Darkness: A dive into darker themes from The Angel of Darkness.
Discord and Harmony: Exploring the music and motifs of the sixth game.
Analysing the differences between the PS1 game formula and how it changed for the PS2 era.
The Role of Art In The Angel of Darkness: how does the game and its story revolve around forms of art?
What makes The Angel of Darkness so unique?
Croft and Trent: analysing the dynamic between the duo.
If The Angel of Darkness was made in 2023 instead, what differences to gameplay would gamers experience?
Why is The Angel of Darkness still celebrated and loved today?
If you’d even like to pitch your own, please do! This will be on a first-come-first-serve basis, so if you have your eye on something you’d like to write, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Contact Deadline: April 30
To chat further or for any questions get in touch here or on Twitter.