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Episode 1 | 14 February 2020

Welcome to Raidercast! The podcast that dives into the myths, mysteries, and monsters of Tomb Raider. In this first episode, join me on a nostalgic adventure as I think back over my Tomb Raider journey from its roots until the present day. I hope this episode gives context to my feelings towards the series as one of Lara’s millions of fans worldwide.

Episode 1 | 3 March 2019

I have an annoying habit of praising the original Tomb Raider game so much that anyone listening would think it must be some kind of absolutely untouchable, flawless, perfect masterpiece. And while I’d fight for the opinion that it practically is – admittedly, it does raise quite a number of questions that are left unanswered, and mysteries left unexplained. Let’s poke some fun!

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